Raih Milyaran Pendapatan dengan Landing Page UMKM Terbaik


Pemilik bisnis UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah) selalu berupaya untuk meningkatkan pendapatan mereka. Salah satu cara untuk mencapai hal tersebut adalah dengan membuat landing page yang baik dan efektif. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas mengapa landing page sangat penting bagi UMKM dan bagaimana membuat landing page yang dapat membantu meningkatkan pendapatan. Apa Itu […]

Capcut: The Lightweight le Video Editing Software That Everyone Can Use

Capcut is a powerful and versatile video editing application that has gained popularity in recent years. One of the main reasons for its success is its lightweight size, which is less than 500 MB, making it easy to download and install. Another feature that sets Capcut apart from other video editing software is its speech-to-text […]

Don’t Make These Common Mistakes When Maintaining Your Laptop

dell motherboard and central processing unit

Maintaining your laptop is important to ensure that it runs smoothly and efficiently. Regular maintenance can help prevent issues from arising and can extend the lifespan of your device. We recommend performing maintenance every two months to keep your laptop in top condition. There are several things to consider when it comes to maintaining your […]

HarkovNet and CV Anugrah Sahabat’s innovative building cost app

HarkovNet is proud to showcase our collaboration with CV Anugrah Sahabat on their recent project. CV Anugrah Sahabat entrusted us with the task of creating a landing page and Android application for calculating the cost of building and renovating homes. The application, which can be downloaded from the Google Play Store : , allows users […]

Explosive Ways to Skyrocket Your Website Traffic

photo of imac near macbook

If you want to maximize the number of visitors to your website, there are several key strategies you can use. These include optimizing your website for search engines, utilizing social media to attract an audience, and using tools like Google Analytics and Google Trends to monitor your content. One of the most effective ways to […]

Take Your Business to New Heights with HarkovNet

person holding black phone with bokeh photography background

As a business owner, you know how important it is to stay ahead of the competition. In today’s digital world, having a mobile app is essential for any company that wants to thrive. Not only does a mobile app allow you to reach a wider audience and improve customer engagement, but it also shows that […]

How to Maximizing Security and Trust with SSL Certificates

security logo

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a technology that enables secure communication over a computer network. It is commonly used to secure communication between web browsers and servers, but it can also be used to secure other types of network communication. SSL is based on the concept of public key cryptography, which involves the use of […]

Who has the better SQL database, MySQL or PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL vs MySQL

MySQL and PostgreSQL are both popular open-source relational database management systems. They are both widely used and have a number of similar features, such as the ability to store and manage data in tables, indexes, and other structures. One of the main differences between the two is that MySQL is generally considered to be more […]

Harkovnet recently signed a deal with CV. Anugrah Sahabat

harkovnet and anugrah

I’m Nikolai Harkov, the owner of HarkovNet, and I’d like to thank Mr Nugroho Kristanto from CV. Anugrah Sahabat, for choosing HarkovNet as the main vendor for software development. Harkovnet has to be trusted in this project to create a mobile app for estimating building development costs and a landing page website, as our commitment, HarkovNet […]

Simple corporate web design for PT. Duta Bintang Berdikari

PT. Duta Bintang Berdikari Cover

A few days ago, Harkovnet received a project to create a website for PT. Duta Bintang Berdikari. For this project, Harkovnet is only creating a simple company profile page. The homepage, about us page, services page, and contact page are some of the criteria that our customer provides. Harkovnet only needs a few days to […]

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